My Problems with How Yin Yoga is Currently Defined - Originally Streamed Summer 2018 YogaKatherine ZitterbartSeptember 3, 2019Pedagogy, Yoga Teaching, Teaching Yoga, TeachingComment
7 Simple Ways to UN-Fuck Your Relationships Communication, Compassion, RelationshipsKatherine ZitterbartSeptember 3, 2019ListsComment
7 Simple Ways to Fuck Up Your Relationships Relationships, Communication, Compassion, ConsentKatherine ZitterbartSeptember 3, 2019Comment
Emotional Alchemy Through the 6 Healing Sounds - Background and Practive CompassionKatherine ZitterbartSeptember 3, 2019Taoism, Emotional Alchemy, EQ, Emotional Intelligence, Healing Smile, Foundational PracticesComment
How Do You Hold People When You Teach? CommunicationKatherine ZitterbartSeptember 3, 2019Teaching, Pedagogy, Teaching TechniquesComment