Greetings, Comrade!
Learning my new bodymind after Breast Cancer and Menopause, has been a fascinating, curious, and sometimes scary, as I’m experiencing new disabilities and limitations. I no longer have the fine motor control in my right hand/arm that I’ve relied on my whole life - not just for using pens and pencils, but for the piano, dance, rock climbing, writing, painting, and music.
This context has created both a need and an opportunity. I NEED to accommodate my disabilities. I have an OPPORTUNITY to toss everything I think I know about creativity, music and art - and act as though I’m a kid at play. When I do that, I’m able to access parts of Self that have been silent, small, and seeking visibility - and these are the parts I play to when I’m working with others.
From my Recursive experiments…. Unnamed
The piece I”ve included in this post is called: Primordial. How I created the piece: The image is based on recursion and fractals, generated in Midjourey. The main track - trance - was built with 5 Crystal Bowls, C4-G4, and 8 Metal Bowls I selected intuitively. I overlaid 1 clip from another bath - that's the most consistent tone you hear. Finally, I went to ye ole royalty free music site and downloaded a track of someone else's sound. I then pretended to be an audio engineer and pushed a bunch of buttons in GarageBand, and voila! Combine audio with image and now I can share this with you.
I’m learning the sound mixing piece - it’s a bit like audio collage, and I love it.
I hope you enjoy!